Anyone's parents let them wear?

samedi 31 octobre 2015

So, last night I came home from hospital and my mummy told be just to take some diapers from my little brother (he's 10, diasabled, wears xs iD diapers) he had a packet of S diapers that where too big for him, basically my mum is letting me wear 24/7 while
I lie in bed and recover.

Weird thing is she doesn't know I'm AB/DL and she thinks she's doing me a favour by letting me wear diapers for a couple days while I heal, when honestly I'm quite ok and can make it to the toilet easily but yknow and excuse to wear is an excuse to wear

So just wondering If anyone has been put back into diapers by an unsuspecting parent like this, or for other reasons entirely. I was thinking in less of a punishment type situation though :sweatdrop:
Anyone's parents let them wear?

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