Girlfriend Backlash!

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

So I posted earlier this year or possibly near the end of last year concerning me coming out as and AB/DL to my girlfriend. She took it well but never mentioned or wanted to talk about it after that afternoon. So for the last couple of months I assumed she was cool with it. So last week, seeing as I am have made my mind up I am going to propose next year, asked her how she felt about mabye spending an eavening with my while im diapered. Nedless to say she reacted a little negatively. I guess I wasnt to clear when I told her about me being an AB/DL becasue she had assumed that this was something that would go away once we where married becasue she could fulfill the role of sexual partner. She didint realize this is primarily relaxatory for me and not sexual. Now she is asking me weather or not I can give this up becasue she wants nothing to do with the diaper. She is equating it to her being a recovering anoerxic and telling me I can get rid of this. I cant help but feel that depite her reassuring me that she will still love me either way, she is hoping I will give up diapers. I told her abot the binge purge cycles i have gone through in the past and this just seemed to enforce her argument than dispel it. I asked her why she didint like the idea of me wearing diapers and she was unable to give me an answer. So i feel like I am face with a choice, give this up or keep doing what i have always done. I feel that I am treading on thin ice here. I dont want to ruin our relationship, yet at the same time I dont want to make promisses I know from past experiences I wont be able to keep. Any help or prayer is apreciated. I am going to need some guidance on this matter. Thanks yall for your time and responses.
Girlfriend Backlash!

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