Diaperboy Swag

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

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So there I was at TeddyCon, furiously practicing my song, when this young fellow walks onstage and sings this song over pre-recorded music. It was a simple dance/club style song, but the charisma and presence he had was unbelievable. Boldly rocking nothing more than a T-shit and a Waddler, he brought the house down with this original song.

I almost put my guitar away.

He won the talent show, and got himself a ticket to next year's TeddyCon as well as a giant bag of gummi bears.

The next day I asked him if he had a recording of the song, and he said no, he hadn't had a chance to record it yet. So, I offered to record it for him in my home studio. Krinklepants (his nom de plume) even offered to let me do some production and backing vocals, which I eagerly did. I'm a punk & metal guy, what do I know about club music? Not much, but, I do know about feeling good about being a Little, and this song is all about feeling good about who you are... so check it out, and download it for free.

Diaperboy Swag

I dare you to try and get this out of your head once you hear it. :-)
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Diaperboy Swag

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