Really having to wear Goodnites/Drynites

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

I have been fascinated by goodnites/drynites since I was in elementary school. I used to wet the bed regularly until I was about 11 and just the idea that there were "big kid diapers" out there was exhilarating. Unfortunately, my parents never bought me any, and even if they did I was so paranoid at that age about anybody discovering my love of diapers that i would have probably refused to wear them, less they ever get suspicious, ha.

I am curious though, how many people her legitimately had to wear goodnites/drynites as a much older kid or even as teenagers, and I am not talking about sneaking them on your own. I know they are marketed as "pajama pants" that are just like underwear, but come on, they are just oversized pull ups. On the goodnites website they actually have a specific section about how some teens could still benefit from goodnites/drynites, and while my teen and bedwetting years are long gone, I would love to hear any of your responses from people who's parents legitimately bought them goodnites/drynites into their late childhood and teen years and what that was like. Did it play a part on you becoming and abdl early on, or were you already one? Did you siblings/friends tease you? Any embarrassing or funny situations because you wore them? Thanks for any responses.
Really having to wear Goodnites/Drynites

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