May have become a bedwetter

samedi 31 octobre 2015

For the past several years, yes years, I've worn 24/7 nearly 100% of the time, including to sleep. During that time, I've wet in my sleep a handful of times, sometimes twice in a week or 3 or 4 times in a month.

Until the last three days. I've gone to in a dry, fresh diaper. I've woken up in the morning in a cold soggy diaper. I know I was a frequent bedwetter until nearly 4 years old, and had accidents after that, but I have no memory of ever wetting the bed or my diaper two nights straight, let alone three.

I don't mind, in fact my only complaint is that when I do wake up, I still have to pee! I don't like that uncomfortable feeling when you wake up and your bladder is yelling at you to be emptied. And with my diaper already wet, I don't dare soak it further. At least not until I get some better overnight diapers.

Just thought I'd share, figured a few of you might be interested.
May have become a bedwetter

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