ABDL Feature Film "We, Infantilists."

lundi 19 octobre 2015

So as you may have noticed on another thread, I'm going to make an independent ABDL film, because I think it will be an important milestone for our community, to try to right misconceptions and maybe as support for future generations. I know a project like this has to be threaded on carefully, but I'm set on doing this film and starting with a good script.

This is the plot of the film so far:

"Andrew comes from a very conservative family. Matthew comes from a liberal one. Both of them have one thing in common: They are infantilists. As Matthew grows up with understanding friends, embracing his liking of diapers, in a good family that supports him... Andrew lives in fear and rejection of himself. One day, they find each other in the internet and decide to meet up. Matthew learns the struggles of Andrew to come to terms with his infantilism, so, in a series of events, it will be up to Matthew to teach Andrew how to accept himself and embrace who he is..."

Do you like it? Any comments?
ABDL Feature Film "We, Infantilists."

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