Advice Needed

lundi 19 octobre 2015

So, I am unsure of where I fall on the spectrum. I feel like I was meant to be a girl, I have since I was 6-7 as I have stated in the past. Problem being I am a fairly manly man (I have even had really man-ly stereotyped jobs, maybe to make up for it?) I am going to be alone all day tomorrow (No work, no friends, no family, etc). I am 6'4, I have a beard (right now, that is easy to get rid of). I have a manly shape (wide football player shape.) I would like to try to get into a girly state of mind. I have girly design diapers. But what else can I do for low cost to get into that, to see if it really how I feel? I already have long curly hair. What else?
Advice Needed

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