Diaper choice for enuresis

vendredi 2 octobre 2015

My favourite brand is not available on the market anymore. Comficares were just perfect. Nobody knows when they will be able to deliver again and my stash shrunk to one sorrowful package. So I guess I'll just say: Bugger Me and switch to a new brand.
I recieved a sample package of 16 different brands of dydees. I ordered them at "ABDLFactory", they ship from the Netherlands. I used to order Comficares from them. Nuts, considering I could have ordered them from within Germany but I found out about that after I placed my first order with them and I tend to stick with known good shops.
Whatever, I totally WASTED that money, since all samples were loosely thrown into a - trashbag. Without any markings indicating which piece is which brand (except of course the ones with print, like Tena).
Now I'm still really unsure of which brand I should stick with. I need something with strong tapes, plastic backed and high capacity. About 1 gallon would be nice (occasional heavy bedwetting).

I still not tried out cloth. I don't trust these P-pants.
Do you have any favourite disposables that roughly have these attributes?

(There are some brands I will clearly stay away from which is Depends, Tena and "MyDiaper" Night size L and any similar products. I don't trust these enough with all my moving and shuffling during sleep)
Diaper choice for enuresis

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