Enemas + Pre-existing Problems - Got some questions... Not sure if right forum X3

lundi 19 octobre 2015

hi there, I'm (X)posting today because I'm wondering if anyone out there knows how safe giving yourself a enema (the 'hang a bag up and stick a hose in your butt' kind, not the fleets/one-shot dealios) is when you have undiagonsed intestinal/bowel problems?

if you're just going to tell me to ask a doctor first don't even bother posting please :\ explanations to why are below.

I was going to plan and buy a kit and only use the same water I drink (bottled spring water) warmed up. I've tried suppositories and the marshmallow trick and those were way too harsh on my body in how they pull moisture around. I may or may not have an ulcer/polyps but it'll be a good half year or more before I know anything; I'm chronically ill in other ways but that's beside the point because it can't always be dreary and no fun, right? :\

Regarding that I've been on a waitlist forever to see a gastro specialist but the healthcare system here (canada) is a complete joke and my doctor...well, I hate my doctor but theres no way to get another as there's a shortage to the point you just can't, most people don't even have one. I've thought about asking him but honestly without revealing it's for you know, experimentation/play, I don't know how to really phrase it :S I mean I've told him of my issues and that I sometimes get really constipated but he always just suggests changing my diet/etc so...

But yeah, just trying to gauge the risks/benefits/etc with doing this, and seeing if anyone's been in a similar boat/has advice. Lemme know.
Enemas + Pre-existing Problems - Got some questions... Not sure if right forum X3

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