Hai - You may or may not know me

dimanche 11 octobre 2015

Hello everyone! Long time community member that fell in to a hole and have finally dug myself out of it.

My name is Robert but I much prefer Robby even though my husband can't stand hearing anyone else call me Robby... You may know him klo555

I am a person of many interests and have a very upbeat and fast mental pace. Currently I work in Telecom as my day job.

So I'm a kidfur (hence the name RobbyFoxKit) and that's what brings me here as I do quite like to wear diapers. I've had a fascination with them since I can remember.

As far as my hobbies go I have quite number of them. I play video games off and on, I LOVE to paintball and airsoft, I like to build custom computers, I have a massive amount of remote controlled cars, I love to modify my own personal car, and to top all of that off I am actually looking to become a full time mechanic.

I joined ADISC as I am looking for more friends that enjoy the same things I am obsessed with and to have good conversation. I may lurk for a little bit as I am a bit shy but I'm definitely here to stay.
Hai - You may or may not know me

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