Little rant about vehicle saftey

samedi 3 octobre 2015

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This here is Bob. Bob is here to tell you about the dangers of driving like a Flippin arse around a class a Comercial vehicle. Contrary to popular belief we actually can't stop as fast as you. Don't be like Bob here who though it would be a great idea to jump his prius in between two trucks at 60 mph and slam on the brakes, as you can see Bob did not fare well. Bob thought since the truck was designed to carry 80,000lbs it can stop it too. He was half correct what Bob failed to realise was that yes we have heavy duty upgraded braking but to stop a vehicle that heavy we need more than the 20 feet Bob gave us. In all actuality on flat ground fully loaded it takes about the length of an American egg-ball-hand-ball (American footbal) field to stop fully from even 55-60 mph on a downhill can be in upwards of a 1/4 to half mile depending on grade percentage. Also another bit of information most drivers of major company's are rookie drivers with less than 1 year of experience. While I hate the BS about swift drivers being bad drivers it is a spec of truth but more to it than that it takes years to develop the skill required to run these trucks correctly I myself have held a CDL and ran large trucks since I was 18 so my skill is fairly higher than most, I can not say the same for most my Co workers.

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Be safe out there and for crud sakes give the rigs some space. It may be your life at stake or possibly your child,neice, nephew, or grand child.

This message brought to you by the arsehole in the corvette who forced me to slam on the breaks and throw a 6 year old off a bed and across a truck.

Public notice* no one was actually harmed in this event. Other than some tears and a bumped head the child was fine, and Bob is in fact a 10 dollar Halloween decoration From Walmart so Happy Halloween and drive safe
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Little rant about vehicle saftey

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