Maybe you can help

lundi 19 octobre 2015

Hello all,

I have just recently decided to join the forum as I am in a bit of a conundrum. I have lurked a while and read many threads and it seems a very open place, I am glad to have found it!

You see I have had an interest in diapers for a long time. I like soft things and love to feel the softness against my skin (my skin is soft and sensitive so I do not like harsh/rough stuff)

I also love the sound they make when I move and the colours/patterns. Obviously my favourites are the chunky white ones with lots of padding.

I am not incontinent and have no desire to wet myself, as the terms go.

However I would like the confidence to buy/wear diapers for the purposes of enjoying how they feel.

I would not really consider myself an adult baby but I have often wondered how it would feel to be treated as such.

Would you say this is a fetish?

I have a boyfriend and am not sure if I should tell him how I feel. I have dropped hints in the past but he has not seemed too receptive. I am not sure how the best way to tell him would be.

Thank you for your time and I hope you will reply :3

Oh, a little background. My name is Jasmine, I am a furry and am 21 years old.
Maybe you can help

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