Reasons why everyone should ride a motorcycle likes and dislikes

lundi 19 octobre 2015

1. They cost less
2. Have more maneuvering abilities than a car
3. It is a great stress reliever
4. Listening to the sound of the engine
5. With friends I like to play a game called killswitch war where you try to turn off someons motorcycle without them noticing
1. Pot holes
2. Rain
3. Cars pulling out in front of you
4. Fake turn signals from other cars who may or may not be changing lanes
5. Low sides. For example lets say that you are traveling to close to the right side of the road and are kicking up stones which causes your rear wheel to slide out from under you
and the bike falls on it's side with you underneath it
5. High side . when you fly over the handlebars
6. Asking for permission to buy a motorcycle never goes well so I would just go out and get my self a motorcycle license and a motorcycle-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those getting into motorcycling I recommend that you take the MSF BRC Course ( Motorcycle Safety Foundation basic rider course) you must have a Motorcycle Learners permit to register for this class they will provide you a motorcycle and helmet for the course what you will need is a note book , pen , highlighter , and snack as all locations don't have vending machines . What to expect at the motorcycle safety foundation
You must pass a written knowledge test before you can move on to riding and four riding tests you must pass to get your motorcycle license and completion card.

You must be able to complete two u-turns or figure-8 in a box the size of a normal street without putting a foot down this can be accomplished by using the whole box start out following the line to the first corner then turn make a hard left pulling in the clutch straighten out the motorcycle slowly releasing the clutch and giving it a little bit of throttle and immediately let off the throttle pulling in the clutch and make a hard right

You must be able to swerve using the look press and lean technique lets say you want to swerve left you look the whole way over your left shoulder before the swerve the same for swerving right

Youmust be able to execute or perform a quick stop. Let's say that you are in second year you want to pull in the clutch and downshift into first gear while keeping the clutch in use both the front and rear breaks at the same time

You must be able to perform proper cornering technich. This is done by getting all your shifting and braking done before the turn keeping your head and eyes up looking the whole way through the turn
Reasons why everyone should ride a motorcycle likes and dislikes

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