Toys R Us!

samedi 17 octobre 2015

So yesterday a friend and I were hanging out when we drove past a Toys R Us. Obviously, we had no choice but to go in and shop around for and hour and a half. I have to say, it was honestly one of the most fun things I've done in a long time, and I was surprised that a LOT of the toys look legitimately fun to play with, even at this age. It's insane how ridiculously awesome toys have gotten over the last 8 years. We did get quite a few stares but I was having too much fun to care. One little girl pointed us out and said "Look Daddy! There are big boys here too!"

At the end of it all, I walked out with a big, fluffy, stuffed penguin from the preschool section (His name's Pinky :3) and a mini table-top drum kit.

So I was wondering, have any of you patronized Toys R Us or any other toy stores recently? What'd you get? What are your favorite toys you've gotten as an adult?
Toys R Us!

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