Weird Call, Bump in the night, Me Searching My Home!

samedi 17 octobre 2015

Earlier this week:

"My grandfather has had many jobs. He won't tell me much about his past, I know he was in Korea and part of Vietnam. Today, my parents and grandparents called me to have a family meeting, not often dowe have them. They told me my grandfather put a very wealthy man in jail in the early 80's. He got out of prison today, he has vowed to kill our family. With threats as recent as July of this year, I laughed and said "Ok, why did you call this really". They weren't kidding. I use to work in law enforcement, but this has me really freaked out. I have never seen my dad or grandfather scared before."

Two Nights Ago:

I got a call from a drunken man, asking for my grandmother by name saying he was going to "get" her. It was odd, called the local authorities, obviously not much they can do with the little amount of info I have. I am wondering now if it ties in.

Last Night:

I got a call from the same man, my caller ID show his city of residence being near but not the same as mine (About 3 miles from my house). I again called the local police department. They are based inthe city he called from. After a bit of time went by, I fell back asleep. At about 3am I woke up to a large bang, I got up searched my home, When I found nothing I started to search outside my house, when I got out the door, there was an older ford F350 leaving my house.


I confronted my parents and grandparents again about this "man", they said "do not worry, looking into this is more dangerous that leaving it alone." They won't tell me anything, it is like pulling teeth to get what I have.

This is all true, I am not asking advise (you are welcome to give it though) I would just like somewhere to share this story where no one who knows me frequents.
Weird Call, Bump in the night, Me Searching My Home!

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