Why has no one thought of this before?

mardi 6 octobre 2015

I've been looking up vintage adult diapers recently and have been thinking I really would've liked to experience the various different diapers that have since been discontinued. vintage 90s green Depends? I'd love to give em a whirl! 80s Blue Attends? 90s blue tape Attends? the old American Attends 8-10 with EZ fit tapes? mid 2000s Paper Pak Attends? I would sure love to experience those old products. The old plastic backed TENA Slips before they switched to that icky breathable backing? plastic US TENAs? old plastic store brands? old name brands that are no longer made anymore? the sky's the limit!

So I saw that ABU has made replicas of 1 or 2 vintage baby diapers and then it hit me like a bolt of lightning! So I asked the question. Why hasn't anyone thought of doing the same with adult diapers? Why haven't any companies, medical or ABDL thought of such a thing?

I can think of 1 obvious reason why which I can knock out and rebut. The obvious issue would be copyright/patents/trademarks. How would a company be able to replicate such discontinued products without getting sued out of business? ABU has the answer. their Super Dry Kids replicate the 1997-98 Pampers Baby Dry almost identically with the slight change of omitting any sort of Pampers logo and changing the letters on the balloons to avoid any copyright violation and I don't believe I have heard of Pampers suing or threatening to sue ABU. In fact it's unlikely that they even care because they haven't made money off of that particular design in over a decade.

So for that issue my suggestion would be to try to replicate these discontinued adult products so they look and feel as close to the same as they were when they were mass produced but make some slight changes to skirt around any copyright issues that might arise. and As for vintage Depends, replicating those would prove an obvious challenge as Kimberly Clark still owns the patent to elastic waistbands so they may have to work out some sort of deal with them. and if copyright/trademark issues do arise despite companies' best efforts to avoid them, perhaps they could arrange some sort of deal with these companies where a portion of the sales of these replicas goes to them or something.

All I can say is imagine Bambino replicating old Attends, etc. I'm surprised not even ABDL diaper companies have thought of this and the aforementioned solutions to any legal risks.
Why has no one thought of this before?

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