
samedi 28 novembre 2015

Greetings. I am a long-time lurker who finally decided to create an account and start posting. I have enjoyed wearing diapers for over 19 years now. Well, I've been interested in them a lot longer than that, but didn't have the courage to try them until the above mentioned length of time. ConfiDry 24/7 are my current favorite by the way. The thicker, the better in my opinion. Some of my favorite things to do include getting in the pool or shower with a diaper on. I love feeling them swell up and seeing how big they can get. I also enjoy regression. Very good for stress relief.

Anyway, I work as a remote service desk technician. So, I get to work from home. I'm sure you know where this is going. Lol. I am normally very shy until I get to know you. Then, I can talk your ear off. Especially when the conversation involves technology, music, movies, or video games. I am also visually impaired. (Considered legally blind) So, I don't get out much.

I love reading all of the different posts on here. Like I said, been lurking for a while. I hope to give and get quite a bit of info here. I also hope to make some new friends here as well. The main reason I decided to join now is that I recently was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. After 2 months and 2 surgeries, the tumor is gone. I still have to have 6 months of chemotherapy. That brings me to the reason I wanted to join.

I joined for several reasons. To give and get support. To read and share stories. To be a part of a larger community. My first question involves wearing diapers while on chemo. Any suggestions and/or info would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this very long intro. And thank you in advance for the help.

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