People claiming to be non judgmental when they actually are

jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Has anyone noticed that every time someone claims to be non judgmental, they actually are? Why is this?

I think we might not all even realize how judgmental we are until we learn something new or experience that actual situation but all it takes is an open mind and not always believing you are right.

My mom thinks I am taking this way too literal and they just mean they are flexible in their thinking and they don't judge lot of things people do if it's not hurting anyone and they try to gather all the facts first before forming an opinion. It doesn't mean they don't ever judge. An online friend told me when people claim to be non judgmental, they mean they accept LGBT and their rights.

But yeah claiming to be non judgmental means nothing to me because for all I know, you can still think bad of AB/DLs or think bad of me for a bad situation I have been in at 16 so therefore you would still be judgmental in my eyes, especially if you read me wrong and think bad of me or make the wrong assumptions of me that are bad. Everyone judges and we are all judgmental about certain things and we all draw lines to certain areas rather it's homophobia, pedophilia, child abuse, and of course thinking Hitler was a great person and there was never genocide and none of the Jews had ever been hauled off to concentration camps and killed. We all misjudge too so IMO there is no such thing as being non judgmental. No one is non judgmental.
People claiming to be non judgmental when they actually are

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