Need some help..

lundi 30 novembre 2015

So, this is going to be one of those "relationship things"
My boyfriend is feeling pretty down about our relationship.
He says he loves me and wants to be with me, but he isn't sure about his total sexuality.
He wants to have a boyfriend as well as having a girlfriend...
He wants us to all be in some happy relationship... which would be fine.. but I'm gay.
I am also not wanting to be in a three way relationship because that just won't ever work.
He keeps telling me he is confused, and doesn't know what he wants. I sometimes just want him to break up with me and find someone who will and can make him happier.
This has been dragging on the entire 8 months our relationship has been lasting.
I want him to be happy, and I want the other person he is trying to get involved happy.
I just fear that this will drive us so far apart. Is it selfish to want them to be happy, but not want to make myself unhappy in the process??
Need some help..

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