Hello :)

jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Hi, I'm obviously new here so I thought I'd introduce myself.
I'm very new to the idea of Little's and ABDL but I guess I've been interested in being Little for a long time and didn't really know that I could :)

My interest probably stems in part at least from my actual childhood and a want to be innocent and carefree (at least at times when I can) I never got to be a child...I never got to celebrate my birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, anything! And I never really got too play with other kids (heck, I was slapped in the face when I was 5 for asking to go to Chuck E' Cheese because there was a BDay going on there)

I was abused a bit and raised as a Jehovah's Witness and I won't go into it much but...it really really messed me up. I just recently broke away from it, thankfully never was baptized so, no one has to shun me if they don't want to. Although, I never had friends anyway.

My dad lives with me (I got him out of being a JW too! So he won't turn on me :) ) My dad doesn't fully know about my desperate want to be little but he knows and fully approves of me playing with toy meant for toddlers and being child like at times because I think he feels kind of bad about me not ever being a child. So that's a good thing, and my dad is completely non-intrusive (heck the only time he comes to my room is if I want to get his opinion on something in there!)

And now I have typed quite a bit ( I'm a shy person so, I normally don't talk or type too much) As a side note I chose the nickname "Kissy" because of my mom (she passed away September of 2011)
My name is Christine and sometimes mom would call me Chrisy, but she stumbled over her words once and called me Kissy instead! :giggles:

Anyway, I'm sorry for such a long intro. have a good day everyone!
Hello :)

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