Diaper fetish growing more Prominent

lundi 19 octobre 2015

Ok so my Fetish is getting worse. I've been attracted to Diapers since I was 6 so it's not going away. I don't experience "binge/purge" cycles but experience something different where I experience extreme sexual related urges to wear Diapers and then followed by a period of months or Years of a moderate attraction and then followed by nose bleed inducing sexual frustration over Diapers. It might be because I've had almost no Diaper time in my whole life. I'm 23 Years old and I feel like my Diaper Fetish isn't controlling my Life, I'm not sure if I'm experience a final growth spurt or hormonal surge since I've grown tremendously in the past year in libido, attractions to the opposite sex and strength. Anyone else experience things like this? I'm aware most other ABDLs here do not experience Sexual attraction to diapers but I feel alone in this matter.
Diaper fetish growing more Prominent

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