US Politics

dimanche 11 octobre 2015

I have a bit of a weird question. Why do odd subjects like Gay Marriage or Medical Insurance take a part. These things have no place in government. These are private things. They're not for people who have power to decide. They're meant to run our nation. Keep things running, but instead they waste time and money worrying about small details. This lack of focus has brought us to a place where we're not in great shape. Compare us to a past form of us. 2015 US to 1939 US. We build up a fighting force capable of going toe to toe with the Nazis. It took us and several other nations to do it, but we help win WWII. We showed our truest strength during that time, what made us this way. Was it just time or was it national ego? I feel like we're going down a hole of self destruction. We may be too far gone at this point. We need to stop our selfish ways and try to come back together for another world issue. I think we maybe ready, if not close to, for world acceptance. (Not world peace mind you) Things like sexual preference, fetishes, and religion need to be put behind us, so we can work towards a better happier world.
US Politics

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