"Hello" from Chicago

samedi 21 novembre 2015

Greetings, everyone!

I could write you a long introduction that tells the story of when I first wore, and that I hid them for years and was petrified some snoop would out me. That I've wasted too much money buying and throwing away and feeling ashamed.

But we all know this, and I'd rather tell you about me.

My name is Matt and I am 20 years old. I live in Chicago, where I moved to in 2013 for school -- I'm studying to be a professional writer.

I moved around a lot: Ohio, Florida, Texas, Florida (again), Pennsylvania, Texas (again), and now to here.

I love music, play folk guitar, write often and am proud of a filling bookshelf (not that I have time to read them all, but will someday).

I associate this part of me with fear. Friendship would be better.

I dream of a partner and a group of accepting people to share what I've only shared with embarrassment. Let's chat about music and books and life and joy and memories and, yes, diapers.

"Hello" from Chicago

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