I wish I had someone I could trust

lundi 23 novembre 2015

As you may remember from a previous thread, I've been talking to another abdl in my area online. He's a guy and I've always considered myself straight but we've talked about setting up a playdate. The problem is that neither one of us can drive because we are both legally blind (which means we do have limited vision.) I have zero experience with public transit and/or getting around in public without someone to assist me and have always relied on someone to give me a ride to and from places. Today I woke up to a pic that he sent me on my phone of him in a diaper, onesie and with a paci with the caption "I want to play!" written underneath. I can't get it off my mind. I want to play too BUT we have no way of meeting up! I don't generally have a problem getting a ride somewhere but I don't have anyone I can trust in this situation. I don't really like the idea of someone finding out about my diapers and baby things and meeting up with another man to play baby with. I can't possibly ask for a ride in this situation can I?
What to do? I can't think of anything. This is so unfair!
I wish I had someone I could trust

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