
mardi 3 novembre 2015

So, I spend all day at school from 0600-2200. I usually have to change a couple of times, but try to minimize that by monitoring fluid intake. Today,I was absolutely impressed that I did not have to change once, and that with only a few small dribbles my protection was only damp! Now I'm sitting in a stall, with a crescent shaped wet patch running front to back on the inside of the right leg of my pants and underwear. Dang leak guard failed and my bladder finally let loose. Dang it. I have one more class and a lab still to go. Five more hours, and I smell like pee (a bit). 😢

While I have plenty of changing supplies, and fresh protection, I neglected to put a change of clothes in the car for the week. Triple dog dang it!!! Ah well. Such is life.

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