potential new AB/DL nursery school/hotel in Austria

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Hi guys,

This post is just to see if their is any interest, my name is Keith, i am an AB who plays generally a role around 18 month - 24 months of age, and i have recently come into some inheritance. I was looking into possible business options and came up with the novel idea, of a AB/DL nursery school with attached hotel..

The idea is simple.

i am looking at a self contained building in Wien (vienna) austria, 2 stories, the ground floor will house a nursery school, for approximately 10 babies. the upper floor would house a hotel/ nursery rooms for up to 10 babies..

costs i'm not sure about, but i'm not interested in making huge profits, so somewhere around 10 euro per hour in the nursery school, (this would be up to 9 hours) and around 50 euro per night in the hotel.

Note hotel rooms would probably be something along the lines of shared bedrooms, with 2-4 babies per room.

There would also be a room or two for family, Ie daddy/mommy and baby.
During the day, mommy or daddy could go visiting sites, and leave baby in the nursery school :)

The nursery would be manned by 2-3 staff, (depending on number of babies) and the hotel also manned.

so, basically for a week in the hotel only. (which would be from 5pm till 8am mon-fri (at which point babycare would end) and full days sat and sunday would cost you 350 Euro
if you included nursery school, it would come to 750.

To visit just the nursery school, would cost you 90 euro per day. *nursery time 8am - 5pm *includes games, stories, films, toys, sand box, etc

all meals. diapers, changes, bathing included in price.

any clothing would need to be brought with you. can be washed on site.

would this appeal to anyone.

just looking into interest at the moment. Reply to this post if you would be interested.

AKA Keith
potential new AB/DL nursery school/hotel in Austria

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