Question about ordering online/shipping

dimanche 8 novembre 2015

Hi, I finally decided to really start indulging in this fetish I have had my whole life. My job requires me to travel a lot, so I haven't had any problems so far with worrying about hiding it or anything. Sometimes I end up spending an extended amount of time at home just depending on what I am working on at the time. One of those home-stints is coming up next week, and I decided that I want to try ordering online for the first time. I was thinking about getting some Abena Abri-Flex shipped to me, but here's where the problem comes in. I'm kind of in a transitional period and I'm living with my parents when I'm at home (not worth getting an apartment when I'm on the road more than half the time). I'm 24, and my parents generally don't go through my stuff unless I leave it out (which I'm good about not doing). They will however be very curious if I start getting packages shipped to me.

Here are my questions, 1) is there anyway I can get it shipped to a fed-ex office for pick-up. I have done this in the past with other stuff, and I would prefer this way. And 2) is there any chance I would start getting diaper coupons/advertisements in the mail? I have noticed that when I got to the ATM at my bank, a advertisement always pops up at the bottom these days (I have no idea why, unless it is based of search engine searches or something. I have never used that card to buy diapers). I don't really want my parents to start getting diaper coupons and ads. My mom would definitely begin to notice and question it.

I would like to order as discretely as possible, and money isn't too big of an issue, but time is (I don't want it to be too inconvenient). I'd like some input before I actually go through with it. Thanks for the help!
Question about ordering online/shipping

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