Easy solutions for using AB items in public

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

I recently realized that concealing baby items often isn't that hard. Here's a couple of potentially useful ideas I've had.

  • Depending on the type, sippy cups can look an awful lot like regular sports bottles. Anything with a nipple is still a giveaway, and hard spouts will probably still get some weird looks, but if you have one with a soft spout (which is basically a straw) and the design isn't particularly loud or blatantly infantile, you can definitely get by using it in public.
  • If you're around strangers or in a busy public place, especially one with travelers, such as a train station or airport, you can use a pacifier and cover it with a surgical mask.

Any other handy tips you've come up with, feedback, or opinions would be appreciated.
Easy solutions for using AB items in public

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