Looking for work diapers

mardi 3 novembre 2015

Looking for a diaper to wear to work, but it has to fit a specific cirteria

1. It has to be purchasable in the uk,In stores not online
2.it needs to be pretty discreet so thin and not crinkly
3. Capacity is not a concern, I'll be wearing these while working with food so I'd only wet/mess on a brake or on the way home ( something that can deal with one mess and wet is all I need)
4. I'll settle for pull ups or diapers, although I may prefer pull-ups for the fact that they don't have tape sounds
5. Price isn't really a concern but I'd prefer to not pay too much

So yeah that's pretty much it, I was think of good nights or other bed wetting aids cause I know they can handle a mess surprisingly well

Any ideas?
Looking for work diapers

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