Boots and vinyl raincoats, anyone?

dimanche 3 janvier 2016

I don't consider myself a sissy- It's just my "Mommy" likes to turn me into her beautiful little girl every so often, and I am OK with it because I know it pleases her. I won't wear anything frilly, but I do like the short denim jumper, a bib skirt, or a dress with a pinafore she puts on me over my diapers. It's fun to whirl around in circles!

Anyway, when the weather is rainy, (Finnish saying: there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing) out I go in my red rubber boots, my yellow vinyl raincoat and red vinyl hat! If it's winter, I have a pink vinyl rain suit and boots that go over my heavy clothes.

When I was really a kid, I had a light blue rubber rain hat and coat that had metal clasps. I just loved pulling on my raincoat and brown rubber boots and going outside to play in the puddles- my real mother never understood this about me, but, would let me go at least for an hour. I always liked sneaking into my sisters room and trying on her pink and purple vinyl raincoat with the closet door shut. Rainy days at school would drive me nuts, trying to line up behind the girl with the vinyl raincoat!

Anyone else love vinyl or rubber raincoats and boots?
Boots and vinyl raincoats, anyone?

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