Thinking about telling my mom (Advice?)

dimanche 3 janvier 2016

I've been caught with diapers many times before in the past while growing up. At one point my mom even sent me to therapy but I refused to speak about it. I'd like to say I've already told my mom about liking diapers about 5 years ago. (2 years after being sent to therapy) At the time though I still didn't understand my feelings or why I liked them. Just briefly explained to her what being a diaper lover is. She was very accepting but felt like I was just going through a phase. We never spoke about it again after that.

Now that I accept that this is who I am and understand why I have these feelings better. I've been having the urge to bring it up again. Me and my mom are very close and I am pretty sure that she would be accepting of who I am. But she blames herself for alot of the hell I and my brothers and sisters went through with my dad. Since I now know that diapers were used as a way to cope with dealing with my abusive father. I feel that she may blame herself for me being this way along with all my anxiety and despession issues just like she has in the past. So I'm unsure how to go about telling her why I am the way I am (A Diaper Lover) and that this is who I've always been without her blaming herself.

The reason I want to bring it back up to her is I feel she may have forgotten about our whole talk and still feel the need to hide it from her and I'm tired of doing that even though I will probably be moving out in the next year..

Any advice on how I could go about this would be a major help.
Thinking about telling my mom (Advice?)

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