Packing for a day out/night over?

vendredi 1 janvier 2016

Currently I have a plan of going over to a hobby shop for the day and playing some tabletop games for several hours (If nobody knows what that is, just imagine board games at a comic shop).

After I'll be staying over at somebody's house for the night (Privacy won't be a problem there at least).

Right now I have a small backpack. Packed inside is baby powder, baby wipes, 2 gallon sized ziploc bags (Which I am going to refill, and put more in once I restock my supply of them) 4 XL Goodnites, and 4 small/medium depends maximum protection with tabs. And a beach towel to do my changing ontop of, so I don't ruin my clothes by laying on the floor of a bathroom. And so I don't get baby powder all over it. (The restroom is a single private one, so I'm good to go there)

Currently I can only use store-bought items. And my system of diapering is just one of the depends, followed by a Goodnite to snugly secure it in place, seeing as my taping skills aren't the best and the tapes themselves aren't the highest quality.

This little setup I have can last me about 6-7 hours with minimal wetting (Trickling as I go) Or 3-4 if I wet a bit more heavily (But still not flooding) than I would normally.

On top of what I have packed I'd leave the house already wearing, so diaper wise I'm pretty overkill. I just have to ask though seeing as this is my first time going out wearing with the intention of changing. And overnight wearing away from home. Is there anything I'm missing or should consider?

And also I have made a thread similar to this a few days ago, but It's more about what I need to pack rather than what I should expect.
Packing for a day out/night over?

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