
samedi 2 janvier 2016

Ok, so I figured I might as well make a topic on this while I was thinking about it.

I find motivation is hard to come by for me. I may think about practicing artwork for a split second before I think "eh, don't feel like it." Then there are times when I do decide to do artwork, but half way through I may get bored and just stop working on it and begin procrastinating to continue.

It's not like I don't find it enjoyable either. I do enjoy doing artwork, but just never am able to find the motivation to do it.

Course it's not just artwork it was just an example, it really applies to just about anything.

I do know of only one way to keep myself motivated, and that is competition. Which is funny, because I generally don't like competing with other people, but I most certainly do like a rival.

So, what keeps all of you motivated? Any suggestions, ideas, or just thoughts on the matter? Anyone else have a similar problem?

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