Just a stressed rant - move along nothing to see here :p

samedi 2 janvier 2016

As I said in another post, I'm a bit stressed. It's all because of me

* overthinking things
* over-working myself
* not able to get decent sleep at night (3-4 hours per night)
* learning 3D modeling using Blender
* learning Unreal Engine 4 to make a game and already have a 2nd game lined up.
* grandparents health
* not much money, basically none, without a job
* spending too much money. tsk tsk :no:
* lonely seeing other people as couples
* a horrible camera that has so much noise the images are pure poop
* out of LEGO sets to build (not creative enough to think of my own to do)
* 500 games in my library but don't feel like playing any of them, but I want to.
* still lacking a couple of things before I can do some chemistry experiments (vacuum pump and old microwave to heat things)
* probably more can't think of anything


Why have I stressed myself out so much that I caused myself so much boredom?

There's more, but I'm too bored to even type it all up....

Fluffy, get over it, smack yourself in the face and go play a game :therethere:

Anyway, like I said, just a rant to get it off my chest. It's good to rant once in a while to clear things up with yourself.

There's no need to reply, but you can if you want to :)

Reading this back, I just laughed at it, so I guess it helped a bit :smile1:
Just a stressed rant - move along nothing to see here :p

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