Introducing myself

dimanche 3 janvier 2016

Hey guys,

Registered for this site a long time ago, but never really was active. Lately I've been active at another similar site, and had some good experiences, so I figured I would re-introduce myself here.

Anyway, a little bit about myself: I've become a giant board game geek (another forum I frequent!) as I've entered my late-20s. I liked playing Monopoly and the like as a kid, but discovering the wide variety of Euro-style games was really eye-opening, and it's become one of my biggest hobbies. 7 Wonders, Ticket to Ride, and Dominion are a few of my favorites.

My other big hobby is sports. Been a fan of pro sports and loved playing them all my life. Nowadays I play in a rec softball league and run races. Did a few half-marathons and one full marathon, and now I'm getting into obstacle course racing like Spartan and Battlefrog.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Introducing myself

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