I wish to cordially apologize for my most recent thread on this forum

vendredi 1 janvier 2016

It was insensitive of me to even broach such sensitive topics as the Holocaust, WWII, and Hitler with such a bull-in-a-china-shop approach.

Know that I value each and every one of you, and I do not wish to lose some of my closest and most valuable friends on the Internet.

I have no intent on becoming a National Socialist, you have awoken me to the consequences of my embracing what could only be described as segregation.

Please accept my apologies.

To Zipperless, BinkyGirl, and Moo in particular: You are my brothers and my friends, I wish for that to remain so. It is my sincere hope that I can stop this brainwashing process before it takes me down a dark road with no chance of turning back.

Additionally, know that it was not in any way my intent to bring shame or ridicule to ADISC, nor to the ABDL community at large.

I came to the forum as a cry for help, not to advance a political position.

This all started when I got my father-in-law a copy of Mein Kampf for Christmas, as he is a huge WWII aficionado.

I am deeply humbled, shamed, and truly repentant of my abhorrent rhetoric.
I wish to cordially apologize for my most recent thread on this forum

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