Advice for a significant other

mardi 22 septembre 2015

I am in a serious relationship with a dl. I completely accept him for who he is. He confided in me today the extent of his infantilism. I have some concerns. He told me that he wears diapers 24/7 and never uses the toilet anymore, ever. He said that it's obvious that he has a diaper on, and that the smell is sometimes very obvious and embarrassing. He doesn't think I will be able to deal with it. We have a long distance relationship at the moment, but he is preparing to uproot and move across the country to be near me. Suddenly I find myself fearful. I have absolutely no problem with the infantilism. I'm concerned about the smell, the (apparently) obvious fact that he's wearing diapers/rubber pants, and how I'll really handle that when the time comes.
I love him very much and don't want this relationship to end. Any advice you can give me would be very much appreciated.
Advice for a significant other

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