The Joy is Fading

jeudi 24 septembre 2015

I know I don't post on here often, but I appreciate having a place I can come and read about others like myself.

I just thought I'd bring up something to see if others experience the same and, probably more so, just try to put it down in writing or get it off my chest, since I know "binging and purging" can be a normal thing amongst ABDL's.

It seems like most of my growing up, I always wanted to get rid of my wants/needs as far as AB/DL stuff goes. I've had times where I've kind of gotten out the "habit", if you will, but there was always the desire there and always a great excitement whenever I got my hands on some diapers

As of late, I almost feel the opposite. I finally moved out on my own about a year and a half ago (with my girlfriend who is ABDL supportive), and have been able to buy more diapers since I don't have to worry about anyone finding them. I've also had the financial means to purchase diapers much, much more now than I ever have. Now that I have the money to buy stacks of diapers and try some "real" adult diapers and things like Nuk 5's I feel like the desire has kind of gone away.

As I type this, I think it may be less about the desire going away, as I still want to purchase and collect diapers, but the feeling I get when I wear, try a new diaper, or put in a paci is just not the same. It's kind of confusing, really. I always wanted to get rid of this, yet now that it feels to be slipping away I feel somewhat empty inside.

Has anyone else gone through this? What did you do? Did you let your ABDL side just go away, or did keep doing it anyways? Anything you can recommend to get that "spark" back?

Thanks to everyone here for creating such a great community. When I feel like I'm the only one, it feels great to get on a site where there are tons of active people talking about being the exact same kind of person, and going through the same things that I am.

EDIT/Fixed an embarrassing incorrect use of "hear" instead of "here" :oops:
The Joy is Fading

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