I may leave but I will return.

mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Hello, me again. Well in case you were wondering were I was yesterday, my phone has been taken away, due to me beaing too obsessed with it, and allowing things to effect my life that shouldn't, still It does get too much, because I have been using this site, my fantasies, and my phone too much as an escape, from real life and I know I shouldn't, and also yesterday I got withdrawal symptoms from my phone, also I know that my fantasies and my phone are not wrong, but it's what I have been allowing to do that's wrong, I came here to learn not to let this effect my life, I feel the opposite happened, still I am learning how not too, and I feel you guys are awesome!!! and I know my life is getting out of hand, and maybe I just need a break to figure things out, and get my grades up. I'm not quitting by any means, Its just things are getting out of hand and I may need a break for a bit, but don't worry, because I will be back, Its just I need to figure things out, and get my phone back, and get my college grades up, before I do, oh and one more thing, yes I do have a sense of humor, but I also have a very seaours side, and also if I offended any of you I want to apologize, also I will be back.
I may leave but I will return.

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