Cloth Stuffer in a Disposable...

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

I came across an old pre-folded baby diaper that the wife apparently was still using as some sort of rag or dust cloth. It's about 18" square and the center section is nice and thick. I have never used a cloth stuffer in a disposable before. So I folded it in thirds an placed it down the center of my Abena Abriflex Premium M3. I have exposed it to three pretty good wettings now.
What a glorious feeling! I love the wet cloth in my crotch! Now I see why some folks push for cloth diapers with plastic pants instead of disposable. Now I gotta figure out how to get some of these. Maybe even look into adult cloth diapers. That's a whole new world for me. Does anyone make adult cloth pull ups? Or do they all require some sort of fastener at the waist?
Any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
Cloth Stuffer in a Disposable...

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