How many have told a therapist about their AB/DL side?

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

If anyone read my recent post, you probably know I'm seeing a therapist soon for depression and bunch of other issues. I also fully intend to tell them about my AB/DL side at some point, the thought of which still makes me pretty uncomfortable. I've seen quite a few people on here talk about how they've told their therapists, so I'm wondering a few things;

Can you just tell any therapist about this? I know there are ones that specialize in sexual disorders and what not, but that's not an option for me, so will a regular one be okay with discussing something like this or will it freak them out? I was also wondering how you brought the issue up with them. It seems like it would be awkward to just bring up randomly.

Another issue is that I'm applying to work at a preschool and intend on working with children in the future, and this will certainly come up. I'm worried they might get really freaked out about the nature of this fetish (and, worst case scenario, report me), even if I explicitly tell them it has nothing to do with pedophilia.

Also I'd love to just hear how they took it when you told them, or what your experience was like overall. Any advice or experiences would be really awesome.
How many have told a therapist about their AB/DL side?

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