Mushrooms and Simulated incontinence in a legal state.

mardi 22 septembre 2015

So in Texas it's legal to have magic mushrooms as long as they are not dried. (Weird but true laws) You can buy legal kits to grow them at head shops. So if you live some where it's not legal please don't break the law on my account.

Any way After an hr or so after eating the mushrooms I just start going and some times with no direct connection to consciously deciding to do so. It started years ago when I was with friends and just couldn't tell if I was going or not. At that point I had a lot of anxiety about accidentally wetting my self. I didn't that night, but have tried to always stay diapered when partaking of them. I'm not sure if it's the actual shrooms doing it, or I'm just so relaxed?
I've wondered if any one else has ever had this happen?
I also read a post on here saying scientists are theorizing that this state of mind is the close to the child like mind. Which id have to agree with. I've had many trips back to my childhood while on shrooms. Since its legal in Texas to possess fresh not dried shrooms, I'd like others opinions on if experiencing an altered reality similar to childhood could cause any long term affects. I'm not necessarily asking for opinions on if mushrooms are bad. I know other states do list them as illegal but they are ok here.
So could this some how warp my view of reality? It's kinda interesting being in diapers while tripping. Much more comfortable then the anxiety that I might wet my self, which happens when not diapered.
Has any one else experienced this in a legal atmosphere ? Hopefully posting in the mature area is the right place for this.
Mushrooms and Simulated incontinence in a legal state.

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