I finally told my wife!!!

lundi 28 septembre 2015

I have posted a few times on here asking for pointers on whether or not I should tell my wife of my DL side and how to do it. I played out every possible scenario in my head for all of those 11 years ranging from her being into it and wanting to wear a diaper too to her freaking out, leaving me and taking the kids with her. Well, after 11 years of marriage, I finally got the courage to tell her. I'm happy to report that it went fairly well. While she wasn't into the diaper fetish herself, she is okay with me wearing as long as she doesn't see me do it. I am still working out what the at exactly means, but I will give her time to process it before I ask for details. I literally just told her a couple hours ago and this is the first place I came to after I answered the questions she had. It just feels like w big burden is lifted off my shoulders now that my wife knows.
I finally told my wife!!!

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