The curious thing about incontinence forums

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Having visited just about every incontinence forum on the web at some point or another, I'm left with a few curious observations.

1. There are surprisingly few which focus solely on incontinence, it's usually a subforum or subpage of another larger site.

2. Minus a few exceptions like this one, they're surprisingly inactive. Threads are few and infrequent.

3. They have surprisingly few members, and even fewer active members. Often only in the range of 5-10.

4. Most surprisingly perhaps, it's the same small group of people who are virtually the only active members on every forum. The same 5-10 people use the same user names on at least 5-10 different forums.

5. A disproportionate number of these active users seem to be AB/DLs.

I'm not entirely sure what to make of all this. Perhaps you guys have had different observations or experiences. Or maybe or you're one of the same 5-10 active users on virtually every forum :D
The curious thing about incontinence forums

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