2016 Presidential Election

jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Disclaimer: I am barely political, but I like to think I know a thing or two about politics, but anyways, here's my thoughts...

With the primaries coming closer, I have yet to find any other candidate worth voting for other than Bernie. Here are my reasons:
Every other candidate seems to be speaking out their butt about what they talk about. SuperPACs all seem to be feeding them the information they should spew. Bernie speaks from the heart, and seems to really care about the things he talks about.
Every other candidate sounds exactly like the next one. Just as it was last election and the one before that. It's always seemed like trying to choose the slightly more intelligent one. This time around, we have Trump, a bigoted, racist d-bag who wants to isolate the US even more. And then there's Bernie, who doesn't try to cover up his Brooklyn accent like Hilary did in the south.
And most importantly, while every other candidate would answer that our nation's biggest threat was ISIS, relations with other countries, or what have you, Bernie answered correctly that our #1 world problem is climate change. As a meteorology student, I am shown what things humans have done to the environment, and I agree wholeheartedly that our pollution needs to stop or be severely cut back.
While no candidate will ever be perfect, I believe Bernie is a step in the right direction and the best choice this election.

What do you guys think? Do you have a favorite candidate? Why?
2016 Presidential Election

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