What are the pros and cons of therapy for this?

mardi 29 décembre 2015

Let me start by saying I don't think being ab/dl is anything that I need to work through or cure or whatever. I understand that it is now a part of who I am, I'm at complete peace with it, and my parents and girlfriend know about it and (for the most part) are accepting of it. I say for the most part because my dad spent the better part of an hour trying to wrap his head around it and telling me that it's ot socially acceptable and it's abnormal yadda yadda bunch of stuff I already know. He suggested therapy/counseling, asking if I thought it might "help". As I've said, I don't see a need to stop wearing diapers and such, but I wondered if maybe a therapist of some sort could possibly help me discover WHY I turned out to be ab/dl. I've always sort of had a fascination with helplessness, but I'm unsure of whether there was a definitive origin to my coming into this interest. So, what are your thoughts? Would therapy or counseling of some sort be of ANY benefit whatsoever, or should I avoid it altogether?
What are the pros and cons of therapy for this?

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