Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets emotional...

mardi 29 décembre 2015

Hello everyone.

I've just finished watching the Fifteen Stone Babies documentary on YouTube. It may be worth mentioning that I've seen this documentary about two other times before, and I've had no problem.

But this time...after watching it, even during, I felt myself becoming extremely emotional. I kept thinking about how beautiful it was, what beautiful and precious beings adult babies are. Each and every one of you are beautiful and special, to me.

I flat out cried.

This hasn't been the only time I've cried at adult baby content before.

I've seen multiple adult baby videos, but it's mostly the ones where the baby is being cared for by a Mommy or Daddy that really get to me.

This crying had once gotten so out of hand that I couldn't even think about being a baby for almost two months without bawling my eyes out. I felt like I had become the literal definition of Melanie Martinez' song Crybaby! My Mommy had gotten so concerned for me, that she insisted I take a break from being AB altogether, and that lasted for about three and a half weeks.

So why all the water works? Has this kind of thing happened to anyone else here?

(I thought maybe it was from jealousy and sensitivity...but it feels like so much more than that. It's almost overwhelming.)
Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets emotional...

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