My GF Wants to be AB too?!? :D or D: ?

mardi 29 décembre 2015

Ok, so this is not what I saw coming at ALL, but...

I reluctantly told my girlfriend about how I'm ab/dl. After explaining the gist of it to her, she was really cool about it. She and I are very weird people, so I guess "diaper fetish" sounds normal to her. Well, one day, while I was texting her, she got curious and asked me some questions about it. I told her about a story I wrote on deviantart, titled "Keeping an Open Mind", which she read and, to my surprise, thoroughly enjoyed. She said it helped her understand that being ab/dl wasn't just a fetish, and understand even more so the mentality behind it all. She eventually told me she is interested in being an adult baby herself, and now considers herself a "little" to some degree. She says she doesn't get sexual pleasure from it, yet she once asked if she could have pics of me wearing one of my diapers, but quickly took it back, saying nevermind O///O She's mentioned her childish tendencies and how she still sleeps with stuffed animals to me, and has felt tempted to order diapers online more than once. Not only that, but...well, sometimes she and I will draw stuff and send pics of our drawings to each other. Well, she drew a picture of a chibi version of herself wearing footie pjs with a pacifier in her mouth. It was a really cute drawing,, I don't know what to make of all this! I've been AB/DL since I was like 15, and I tell her about it, a few months later she's AB too! I'm both so happy to have such an awesome gf, but I feel a little guilty for bringing her into this...she's one of us now.
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
My GF Wants to be AB too?!? :D or D: ?

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