Wearing in public for the first time?

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

So I don't know how many of you know about the subculture surrounding "Local game stores" or hobby shops. Ones that sort of involve Magic the Gathering or things like Warhammer 40k. Mostly just small gaming stores that do all sorts of "gaming" in the sense of board games, RPGs, anything really nerdy that's outside the realm of Videogames.

I play a game known as Warhammer 40k, which to sum up is just a more complicated version of Risk or playing with army men in a structured sort of way. This often involves standing/sitting next to a 6x4 table covered in all sorts of different units and models/game pieces.

These games could last as long as 2-3 hours if you're casual about it. And I figured this would be a great chance to try wearing out in public for the first time, discreetly of course.

I didn't know if anybody had any tips as to what I should pack, at the moment I use goodnites exclusively, and they work really well for me. I've packed things like baby powder, wipes, gallon-sized ziplocs to put used diapers into. And of course a few changes of them. And a change of clothes incase the worst happens.

The bathroom situation at this store I'm going to is a single private one, which is perfect for me.

TLDR : I wanna go play board games with some friends at a store for a few hours, and I wanna wear in public (discreetly) for the first time. Any tips or things I don't have to learn the hard way about?
Wearing in public for the first time?

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