Currently not feeling very little... help?

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Has anybody every went through a period where they either stopping feeling little, or perhaps felt a little less attached to their little side? This has been happening to me recently which has been a little frustrating. Its such a big part of my life and I have always found time to regress and be in touch with my little side. But recently, I’ve noticed the need/desire is fading and I have been going for longer and longer without thinking about it..

I “came out” to my girlfriend about a year ago and since then we’ve explored our parent/little relationship quite a lot! its been truly amazing, she’s even become in touch with her own little side which was a shock to us both considering she was always a little weirded out by the concept of adult babies…

Before I came out to her and for 8-10 months afterwards, my need/desire was at its strongest and I/We would play fairly regularly. But now things are more casual and its not such a big deal in our relationship anymore (meaning we are both very comfortable with it) I feel my needs may have been “met” and they’re slowly disappearing. This means that I’ve not really felt much of a conscious urge to be little anymore..True, this is may be a good thing as it means I’ve been able to fulfil my needs and accept who I really am at heart. But the fact of the matter is, I miss my little!

Perhaps I’ve just been too busy the past couple of months with christmas/my job etc or perhaps its just a random phase.. But I’m really hoping that the urge comes back. Its funny how, when I was younger, I hated these urges and I just wanted to be “normal”.. Now that I’ve accepted and grown to love my little, I never want it to go away haha! Has anybody ever went through a phase like this?

Sorry if there are other posts about this and I've missed them..
Currently not feeling very little... help?

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